Phone: (262) 465-6801 Fax: (262) 546-1449
Clinic Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8am-6:00pm
Friday: 9am-6:00pm
Quality of Life Assessment
The doctors and staff at Integrative Veterinary Service are here to guide you through the difficult decision of when it may be time to say goodbye to your beloved companion. We hope you find the resources on this page helpful to help alleviate stress to make the most of your time with your pet.
How Do I Know When it’s Time?
Assessing Quality of Life for Your Companion Animal and Making End-of-Life Decisions
*Click image to view PDF file*
Credit to: The Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center
Pet Caregiver Burden Website

Petcaregiverburden.com is dedicated to the science of caregiver burden in the pet owner, and the understanding of how the owner's experience impacts others, including the veterinarian and the pet.
With backgrounds in clinical psychology and veterinary medicine, their team's research aims to help people decrease the stress and make the most of the time remaining with their pet.
Image credit: Pet Caregiver Burden Facebook Page
Quality-of-Life Scale
When evaluating the quality of life of your pet, personalized information is important when reaching an educated, informed, and supported choice that fits not only your pet’s medical condition, but also your wishes and expectations.*
Click image to view PDF file*
Credit to: Lapoflove.com